In our attempt to ensure the genuineness of profiles on, we ask that all members verify their identity by providing us a copy of an identification document. This verification is optional, however we encourage all members to take this step to help improve the security of our site.
To verify your profile click here, or choose "Verify Profile" from the member menu. Click the "Choose file" button to choose your verification document. Once your document is uploaded, you will be asked to fill in a brief form with your personal information you would like to be verified. Click "Submit" button to complete the process and your profile will be processed as soon as possible.
Your verification document must meet the following criteria:
- It must be government issued, e.g., driver licence, passport, etc
- It must be a color copy - black and white copies cannot be accepted
- It must include your personal information AND a photo
- It must be valid, i.e., not expired or cancelled
- Only .jpg, .bmp, .gif files can be accepted
Identity verification is a way for us to determine if members are who they represent themselves to be, thus creating an added level of security for you. We would like to make your online dating experience as safe and hassle-free as possible and believe the profile verification system will help protect our members to a larger extent against non-genuine members and general predatory behavior.
The process includes verification of details such as name, gender, date of birth and photo and is an important part of the profile creation process because it:
- Gives site members greater peace of mind about site security
- Reduces the likelihood of non-genuine profiles on the site
- Discourages non-serious members from joining the site
- Ensures minors are unable to pose as adults on the site
Your identification documents will be used for profile verification purposes only and we will not share your information with any third party. Your document is destroyed after being processed.
The status of your verification is displayed on your profile to enable other members to confirm your profile is genuine.